Digital Signage- What you need to know

Posted by Robyn Merkel on Dec 16, 2016 1:21:34 PM

The “wow” factor surrounding digital signage may have faded, but that makes it more imperative for businesses to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to content. Many of today’s tech-savvy consumers expect an interactive and unique experience whether they are shopping at their favorite mall, visiting a public facility, going to the bank, or just setting foot in a company’s office for a meeting or a job interview.

Digital signage is becoming expected and it’s important for your business to realize those capabilities and captivate your audience beyond just a passing glance. Consumers need a reason to engage with that signage through unique content, unexpected surprises or fun interactivity.

Here is how to best optimize your digital marketing

1.       Have your marketing and IT departments work hand in hand

It takes both the marketing and the IT departments of your business to fully realize the potential of digital signage. The responsibility of posting content does not lie with one group; all parties must collaborate to succeed. The IT team will need to know how to work with the most recent software available, while the marketers will oversee creating content.


2.       Understand digital signage

It’s important to understand your digital signage systems. Knowing where the signs are displayed, what type of digital signs you employ and how you want your audience to interact with them is of utmost importance.  Fully grasping the scope of capabilities your digital sign has—such as a responsive interface or touchscreen interactivity—will allow you to utilize the technology to its full potential.


3.        Track the success of digital signage campaigns.

Recent digital signage technologies allow you to track user engagement via motion sensors, video cameras, and touch data. Software can send digital information directly to your computer, where you can analyze the data and use it for future content marketing efforts. This way, your digital sign acts not only as a hook, but also as a research tool to measure content effectiveness.

As technology evolves and improves, digital signage’s ability to reach a massive audience, hook users, and spread messages organically continues to grow.  You can ensure you are optimizing digital signage and giving content a chance to shine by laying the foundation for strong digital signage marketing campaigns.

Contact Us Today for all your Digital Signage Needs!

Tags: Tips For Success


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