How AV Technology Can Transform the Classroom Experience

Posted by Robyn Merkel on Dec 22, 2016 1:11:07 PM


For many schools, technology is an essential teaching tool. Educators use hardware and software to make teaching young minds easier and more enjoyable. However, with new opportunities come new challenges, and teachers and administrators all over the country are discovering they need assistance with integrating their new tools.

Enter the systems integrators. These professionals have the skills and experience to ensure that multiple technologies function together smoothly. They perform helpful tasks for any organization that needs to integrate new technologies into new or existing systems.

Create Opportunities with Educational Technology

Schools are making use of a variety of new solutions and devices. From iPads to Chromebooks, new tech tools allow teachers and administrators to make teaching easier and more accessible.

BYOD classrooms allow students to use their own devices to connect with a teacher’s lesson materials, allowing students to explore subjects in entertaining ways by using the technology they already have.

Outside of the classroom, school administrators are also benefiting from technology. Videoconferencing makes possible global conversations about best practices in education, and this technology is offering more ways to communicate than ever before.

Technology can help schools, but it can also create problems. As hardware and software use rises, so does system integration along with a host of other IT issues. Systems integrators can help schools set up their technological infrastructures, tie in new tools and devices, and keep everything running smoothly.

Streamline Systems by Engaging a Systems Integrator

A systems integrator’s assistance can be an asset to your school’s IT system. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Complete integration. A good systems integrator will involve everyone from teachers to administrators in the consultation process. These consultations let systems integrators know what everyone needs and wants from the technology; they will then devise a solution that keeps all users as happy and productive as possible.
  • Fewer IT issues. Systems integrators are experts at making different IT solutions work together. Without them, the integration of different devices on various operating systems would likely create as many problems as it attempts to solve.
  • Better solutions to integration problems. A systems integrator’s main goal is to prevent IT problems before they happen, but they also work to solve them when they do occur. This is especially important in schools with BYOD classrooms, as each device could cause new issues.
  • Optimized workflow. Workflow across various school platforms can be complex. Each student or teacher who accesses, changes, uploads, downloads, or shares materials is one part of the entire process. Therefore, one of the systems integrator’s major tasks is to optimize the transfer of information.
  • A fresh perspective: As teachers work in the same classroom year after year, they can become set in their ways. Many will stick with familiar methods of teaching, but that will result in a stagnant classroom. Systems integrators bring in new and better tools to guide teachers out of their comfort zones while offering them the ability to teach more efficiently and effectively.


Schools that want to use ever-changing technology need the assistance of a systems integrator, who can make the adoption of that new technology much easier.

Learn how Genesis can help  with your Classroom Technology 

Tags: Audio Visual, Education


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